
"Happy is the man who can make others better, not merely when he is in their company, but even when he is in their thoughts!"

Posted by SSBJJ

"Happy is the man who can make others better, not merely when he is in their company, but even when he is in their thoughts!"- SENECASeneca's wisdom reminds us that true happiness lies not in selfish pursuits but in the elevation of others. By fostering an environment of support, encouragement, and mentorship we create a powerful ripple effect that reverberates through the community. Weather its in a skatepark, on the mat or on the beach.  As individuals strive to make others better, they contribute to a collective growth that amplifies the joy and fulfillment found within these pursuits. In this...

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Surfing and Mental Health

Posted by SSBJJ

Children and adolescents adds to growing evidence that surfing really is good for your mental health. But you don’t have to have a mental illness to get the benefits. Here’s how you can use what we’re learning from our research to boost your own mental health. Evidence showing the mental health benefits of surfing ranges from improving self-esteem and reducing social isolation to treating depression and other mental disorders. Such evidence mainly comes from specific surf therapy programs. These combine supportive surfing instruction with one-to-one or group activities that promote psychosocial wellbeing.via Eduardo Kimin @SurfNLove

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It's a lifestyle dude!

Posted by SSBJJ

Discover the invigorating world of skateboarding and unlock a lifestyle that embraces the true essence of happiness. Skateboarding isn't just a sport; it's a profound expression of freedom, creativity, and joy. Picture yourself effortlessly gliding through the streets, feeling the wind caress your face as you defy gravity with every trick. Embrace the skateboarding lifestyle, where each moment becomes an opportunity to explore your passion, push your limits, and ignite your inner happiness. Whether you're a beginner seeking the thrill of mastering your first ollie or a seasoned rider craving the adrenaline rush of conquering challenging ramps, skateboarding offers a...

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Motivational #Monday

Posted by SSBJJ

As an expert in Jiu-Jitsu with decades of expertise the greats always knew.  "Do it, just go out and go after your objective.  Landing that trick you have been trying in the skate park, getting that jiu-jitsu submission or just swallowing a little less sea water while surfing.  Just go do it.  If you fail before, fail again but fail better.  Go after it."

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Do more of what makes you happy!

Posted by SSBJJ

"Do more of what makes you happy." This serves as a guiding principle for leading a fulfilling life. Skateboarding, Surfing, and Jiu Jitsu exemplify the pursuit of happiness through different forms of self-expression, harmonization with nature, and personal growth. By integrating the Stoic insights of embracing authenticity, finding serenity, and cultivating resilience, individuals can discover profound meaning and happiness in these activities. As we engage in pursuits that align with our passions, embrace our true selves, and embody virtues, we not only find joy in the moment but also lay the foundation for a more meaningful and purposeful existence. Welcome to...

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